
A collection of 12 posts
Intriguingly, an ancient Japanese technique from the 14th century has surfaced, offering a sustainable approach to lumber production without the need to fell trees.

Intriguingly, an ancient Japanese technique from the 14th century has surfaced, offering a sustainable approach to lumber production without the need to fell trees.

Japan, renowned for its pursuit of perfection, unveils yet another marvel in the form of daisugi, a method reminiscent of bonsai but yielding distinctly different results. While bonsai, a traditional Japanese art form, involves cultivating miniature trees that mimic their full-sized counterparts, daisugi hails from the Kitayama region and addresses
2 min read
Helen, the Bison, who was blind, lonesome, and ignored by all of the other animals, appeared to be doomed to a life of alone, but then she met Oliver.

Helen, the Bison, who was blind, lonesome, and ignored by all of the other animals, appeared to be doomed to a life of alone, but then she met Oliver.

Helen, the blind bison at Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary in Oregon, seemed destined for a life of loneliness and neglect. Despite residing at the sanctuary for years, she remained isolated, anxious, and ignored by other animals. However, everything changed when she crossed paths with Oliver, a curious Jersey calf. Quickly overcoming
3 min read